Hurricane PCA Blogs
Our site is only as good as the content in it. Help make our site great by volunteering to write a blog! If you are interested, please contact Brad Gibson at vpresident@hurpca.
PRESIDENT'S BLOG: This is a short message from our president, Doug Behning, on whatever thought happens to be passing through his head!
THE PENULTIMATE BLOG: Our Vice President and resident pyromaniac Brad Gibson, rambles on on about much of nothing. If sleep is evading you, this is the blog for you!! TRACK TALK: Our High Performance Driver Education (HPDE) Chair, Bob Usner, provides an update on the whats happening on the HPDE scene. If you like to track your car, check out Bob's Blog! TECH TALK: This is a great place to come to get some pointers on how to maintain your Porsche. CAPE FEAR TALK: For those of you burdened with living at the beach, Mike Elder will provide you updates on the goings-on in that neck of the woods! GUEST BLOG: We will be featuring blogs from various members of the club here. |