how to upload a new newsletter
- Open Newsletter folder on Google Drive:
- Upload the newsletter to the Newsletter folder (drag and drop or click "New" then "File upload"
- Double click on the "Covers" folder to open
- Upload the newsletter cover photo (jpg or png)
- Go to
- Click "Login" in top right corner (if you aren't logged in automatically)
- Click "Edit Site"
- Hover over "ABOUT", then select "NEWSLETTERS"
- Click anywhere on the photo gallery and a window will pop up. Select "Add Images"
- Upload the new cover photo. It will be added to the bottom of the gallery. Click on it twice, then drag it to the top left position in the gallery. All other pictures will shift down.
- Click on the picture again. a window will open with "Link | Caption | Delete" choices.
- Click on "Caption" then add dates of newsletter in the following format: Mmm-Mmm YYYY (ie Jan-Feb 2016)
- Return to the google drive folder. Right click on the new newsletter, then select "Get shareable link"
- Return to Weebly, click on the image then click on "Link"
- Click on "Website URL"
- Click on the "Insert URL" box, and paste (Ctrl V) the copied link
- Click on "HOME" on the nav bar (top right corner)
- Scroll down until you find the section on the club newsletter
- Click on the last newsletter picture and select "Replace Image"
- Upload the current cover photo
- If desred, update the text adjacent to the photo
- Click "PUBLISH" in the top right corner
- Click on the link and verify that everything looks good
- you're done!